Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 16, 2009

January 16, 2009 - Doctor's Visit

Wednesday January 14th was our first doctor's visit to officially confirm the pregnancy. I was excited and nervous all at once. Dr. Willis perfomed our first ultrasound of the baby. It is growing rapidly inside my belly. It is seven weeks six days old and 5/8 of an inch long. It has started to grow its arms, legs, and head. We saw the heart beating inside its little peanut body. It was a relief and a moment of joy all at once. We have announced the news to most family and friends now, and want to thank everyone for their congratulations. The grandparents seem very excited and are ready to spoil it with love. We have been throwing a few names around, but none for certain yet. Brandon has his heart set on a boy, while I am hoping for a little girl. Either is fine though as long as it's healthy. We will keep in touch. Thanks again for your blessings.

A new baby is like the beginning of all things, hope, a dream of possibilities. ~ Anonymous