Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4/14/09 doctor appt.

I had my first ultrasound with my doctor today. Even though I had already found out the sex of the baby, my doctor still wanted to check for several disorders, and make sure everything was in tact, including all four chambers of the heart. I was notified earlier that Dr. Boran, Melissa's doctor, also a doctor in the same clinic as my doctor, would be meeting with me today. Just incase Dr. Willis is unavailable to deliver Mr. baby boy then Dr. Boran or Dr. Cloada, another doctor in that clinic, will be able to deliver, so they allow me to meet with each doctor before hand to get to know them incase. I asked a few of my family to join in and a close friend to watch the ultrasound. All four chambers of the heart are fully in tact, kindeys, bladder, stomach, lips, nose,all the way down to toes are all there and perfectly growing :) that is the best feeling ever to know your baby, that you constantly worry about making sure he is ok, is responding really well and growing normally. All my family was excited to see everything maturing too, maybe even a little too much. He is in the 83 percentile of his age, meaning he is a tad overweight. I guess all those cinamon rolls are catching up :) After I met with the sonographer, I was notified Dr. Boran was running behind so I met with Dr. Cloada. I have to say, every single one of these doctors I would be completely happy with to deliver my boy.

I was mostly glad to know that it was for sure a boy, a big boy as a matter of fact. I have already began washing his clothes and the fear of knowing all those clothes not being returned scared me. :) Still no names yet. Well actually we are continuing the "joe" as his middle name since Brandon's family is alllllll joe, so technically it would be my call to pick the first name right? We both agree on a few but I have favorites and so does he. So we'll see. But im already calling him Cass, not Case, Cass, and I know he will give in, well because he's going to have to :)