Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

doctor appt and more updates..

Well for starters, im sure the doctor and all her nurses are worn out from me. I guess with my first pregnancy, im not used to everything so I call constantly to make sure things are normal when they should be. This past week has been miserable. I have finally entered my third trimester, I am close to 29 weeks, and I feel so much worse than my first trimester ever made me feel. I have been extremely nauseated and a few days ago was unable to hold anything down. I even had to go to my doctor to make sure I was not dehydrated and all of my tests were fine.
I was seen again today for my gestational diabetes testing (which will find out the results in w week) and check to make sure my placenta was well out of the way for me to deliver Case naturally. This was a problem last month but thankfully it has moved completely out of the way so no c-section!!!! :) He is still a chunky but. He was 3.15 pounds hahaha and normal around this time is 2.5 pounds. But im glad he is healthy. If he continues to grow this way he will be a little over 8 pounds. Im not worried though, im ready!!! He looked beautiful up on the screen!!!! My mommy came with me (happy b-day mom) and brandon's mom Tammy (granna) came along to see and make sure everything was good! Brandon will be at the next one, im making him save his vacation days so he can take off with me when Case comes. Because I am already almost 30 weeks my doctor has decided no traveling more than 60-90 miles because of swelling and increase in early pregnancy :( But I would rather be sure he is well ready rather than causing him to come sometime when he is not ready! We are still expecting him sometime late August, which means anywhere within the next 10 weeks. YIKES!! not really! im not nervous at all suprisngly! I was way more nervous about a c section than anything... I mean I know its gonna hurt like * for about 10 hours, and then pain and tenderness for the next 8 weeks, but ill be side tracked with my beautiful little boy it wont even matter! :) just no, there will be no more children for me! one is plenty! :) Im looking forward to my baby shower in august 1st. Yes we still havent sent out invites but be looking for them sometime first of july. Thanks, again for everyone keeping up!!!