Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Much Needed update:

I have so many things to update you on. I am sorry it is late for all you addicted readers.

Baby Case - Case is now almost 36 weeks old. He is as healthy as a worm and head down ready to come face the world. I can feel his movements constantly and what I thought was a head was his cute little toosh. He is extremely active except sundays. He must be just like his father. His room is slowly getting there. We still have much to do. I will update you with pictures soon.

As for me - I am growing by the minute. Nothing fits but stretchy pants, I am full of fluid that makes my legs and face swell like a giant toad. My bladder is the size of a needle stick and it never is cool enough for me. The back pain is terrible and Brandon says I sleep like im rising up from my coffin. My work is throwing me a baby shower tomorrow and I am excited to start gathering things that I actually need. Last night, Brandon and I sorted through his bags and I put his first three bottles in the cabinet and two passies in our kitchen drawer. It was like "wow" in a few weeks this is all going to be so real. Then on saturday, my family/friend shower will be held at Seven Mile Ranch and I am super excited to see my family. They will be in shock to see how much I have grown. I am super anxious I just dont think I am going to make it until August 29th. My co-workers are taking bets, and one girl says she bets I go next week. I hope not quite next week but soon after.

As for Brandon - Brandon is still going strong at his job. He also enjoys his free time so he can spend it with his second girlfriend Mikey working on their trucks, which helps me with my studying time. Incase you didn't know Brandon and I got a house. It is in troup, it is super cute and fits us perfect. (ill post pics) If I could finish decorating it the way I want it for free it would be even better. Every day I am off, I take a trip to Ross, Marshall, and Hobby Lobby! Brandon says our table runner looks like a bunch of ramen noodles. He has no appreciation for good taste. He has given up on helping pick out anything because we always disagree. He's never known so many of his choices to be "out of stock" but for some reason they always are ;) He is a great help suprisingly around the house. Sometimes I don't even have to ask. I came home the other day and he was so excited to tell me he had cleaned out the bathtub without me telling him to :) it was cute! I on the other hand might have some decor skills, but my thumb is no greener than an orange.

Other updates: I am now on a weekly recheck with my doctor. She says no dilation yet, but she can tell it will be soon because of how soft something is, I dont understand all that. I am already pre-registered at ETMC for a private room and have my birth plan written up. Its a neat idea. supplys you with a questionaire to fill out and submit to your doc upon arrival.

Look for pictures, I sware I will have them up by this weekend.