Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Mother's To Do Continues..

If the little satellite floating around in outer space zoomed in on my family right now, they would wonder what was wrong with my family. While im washing clothes, rugs, sheets, comforters, dishes, and babys, tending to both my sick boys, and making beds, i get to stop time to sit on the floor of my bedroom while Case is sprawled out on our bed, and Brandon is wrapped up in his chair to post another blog.

This past week has been so chaotic. Case has been sick since last week and it just progressivly gets worse. I developed the stomach bug on Wednesdayand generously passed it on to Brandon this morning. This house is under quarantine beware!!!! I managed to sneak a quick pick in before Case snapped back into reality and realized it was only 9:30pm not 11:00pm and my washer takes off like a space ship because of the oversized load! Nighty night!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

lots of updates....

This blog thing is extremely hard to manage when you have a husband, a house, and a baby. Im sorry its been forever but heres a quick update and lots of pics......
Case has been growing like a weed!!!! hes 4 1/2 months now :( and his personality has changed so quickly. He laughs out all the time, and loves to grab on his toes. He soon will start eating foods and cereal. He weighs almost 17 pounds and is almost 26inches long!!!! hes in the 75 pecentile of his age group the doctor says hes going to be a big boy overall!!! Dont know where he got that from. He can sit up in the bed if hes propped up on a pillow for about 10 seconds by himself. Hes not rolling over yet because he hates to be on his tummy but he can push up on his arms to hold his upper body up! Hes such a wonderful addition to our family. I dont know what I ever did without him!!
Christmas was great. He got waaaayyyy to much and slept through Christmas which resulted in me opening allllll the gifts, but he enjoyed trying the mashed potatoes and sweet tea at Christmas. :)

His favorite drink is chocolate milk. Yes i know your not suppose to but i barely give him enough to satisfy his thirst and he reaches for my glass now all the time. He can hold his own bottle when its about half way empty.

Heres some pics of Christmas and random.. Hope you enjoy!