Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Milk with a (extrA LARGE) SIDE OF PEACHES

Case hasn't really begun the full hands on eating your fruits and veggiES yet but because the doctor said it would be ok when he turned six months, i figured whats a week in advance! He loved it soo mUch he kept wanting I fed him the whole jar of peaches... and his tummy told me this was not such a good idea around 5 am this morning. But i managed to catch a little of the action on camera before it slid all down his face...

Mama's Dont Let Your Babies Grow up to be Cowboys...

But I think I just might because Case is so dang cute with a hat on his head!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

What a blessed Day from the Lord..

In 22 years i have never experienced a white winter in East Texas. If i would have known God would have given me a white winter as soon as I had a son to share it with, I would have jumped on the baby making wagon along time ago! Case's first experience with snow went just as i would have it for 5 minutes tops, enough to get a few good pics in..and back inside to the heated house.... but we did manage to squeeze lots of good pics in before Brandon and I dashed off to work!!!!!