Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 15, 2010

Casen has become a big boy!

Case's six month check-up went well. He is a little too smart for his own good! He knows his shots take place on the paper that makes noise, so if we sit him there he will cry. He knows the man that shoves things in every whole has to be peed on at least once during the office visit. And he knows, their scales lie just like everyone elses. He is right on target for his growth developmental skills. He is a little above average in his weight but I doubt he's giving up those sweet potatoes anytime soon.
Case is now sitting up on his own for long periods at a time. He loves to sit on the floor and pull every toy out of his toy box one at a time to see if one might taste different than the last. He doesn't realize he is on the ground by himself until I get up to walk to the kitchen though and once he seems me he gets a look on his face like "Excuse you, I know you did not walk right in front of my area without picking me up." So it doesn't last too long of a time. He rarely gets on his knees when he's on his belly. He's not too fond of "belly time" he likes to look around a make sure he's not going to miss anything. We kid that he will skip crawling and go straight to running around the house until he passes out. Well, we only thought we were kidding until last night. The doctor called Case a "hip baby" which i thought he was telling me that Case was a modern termed "cool-baby" but what he meant was he's too attached to the hip and we need to train him instead of him train us. So everynight instead of "indian dancing him to sleep" we have laid him down in his pack-n-play bassinet and let him cry himself to sleep. I hate it, I cry with him, Brandon tells me its not sad cries its "I hate this cry I want to sleep with yall" and Brandon says we are breaking this habit. Sooo last night was our 9th day of this trial procedure that seems to be going quite terrible and while he was screaming away in his crib, I decided to hang out clothes. A minute went by and I realized he was not crying anymore. Surely, he has not fallen asleep so quicly. So I step out of the closet only to find the biggest smirk on my child's face staring right at me! He was standing up in his crib!!! He had obviously sat up and pulled himself up on the side of the crib all by himself. that little dickens!! I couldn't believe it. He knows how to work me! So need less to say he we have taken the bassient out of the pack-n-play and he is now at the very bottom. I'm waiting for the day I walk in to see him climbing over the side.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

big boy bath time!

because all this congestion, I decided to give Case a "big-boy" bath and use some vicks in his bathtub to relieve the goo!! he was sooo slippery, sliding everywhere I had to stick my legs on both sides of him to make sure he didnt nose dive in the water! HE played with the ducks and tried to eat the bubbles. He enjoyed it much better than I did.

playtime with mama on our sick day!

Case has been really congested the past week and now it has caused his tummy to be upset! so no sleep for us (well Case and me anyway) so I kept him home today to to monitor him like the nurse told me to. He seems happy but doesnt have much of an appetite, but I promise he is not going to starve to death. I could really get used to this staying a housewife/mommy all day long! the house is clean, the laundry is done, and I even went and got the cleaners for my hubby life a good wife. Maybe, just maybe, he'll come home to the aroma of brisket roasting in the oven and tell me I can stay home forever :)