Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 18, 2009


so...I have been slowly gathering a few things for Case's room and himself. Seeing as we are just now officially starting the house building process this week, we have a lot to do before he has "his own" room!!! But that is ok because that means more help while I am still at home :) He has been set on clothes for awhile now Photobucket and even though we have no bed to put it on, he has his bedding. I registered this weekend at Babies R Us and you can also go online at JCPENNY because I registered for the rest of his bedding stuff. The registering was quite an experience. I thought Brandon would like to participate, and I ended up having to go back and UNDO some things I knew I didnt register for. He was put in charge of the "clicker" not a good idea. But he was fun!! I bought some picture frames that match his room and I bought his letters that I need to paint to hang up...Im super excited about that part! Photobucket My mother and I are making the invitations which is a beating in itself, but they are pretty cute for our non artistic selves.
The new baby bump pics are up so everyone can stop yelling at me now. :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Doctor visit 5/12/09

I had my regular monthly check up Tuesday to see how things were coming along in my pregnancy. So much has changed in the last month, and it has been awhile since I have updated. My doctor visit went great. I am growing normal and my baby is growing just as healthy as I had hoped for. It is hard for Brandon to come to every visit, so he only tries to make it to the ultrasound visits. Luckily I have a wonderful mother you voluntarily goes everytime. She measured my tummy finally and it looks as though I am a tad further along than I thought, not by much. We could expect him anytime around August the 15th until late August. Which means I am 6 months into my pregnancy. It has flown by so fast and I am so ready to meet my beautiful baby boy. On my next visit they will perform another ultrasound because my palcenta is not right where it should be and I might have to deliver C-section if it doesn't move. They said this is actually very normal and the farther along I get the placenta will likely move upward with my expanding belly and I could deliver "normally" which is what I am praying for.

We are now planning the baby shower. I have chosen to only have one big baby shower, because my family is soo big it is hard to get them together very often so I chose to have everyone, friends and both are families to come together. My mom and I are getting things together piece by piece. We met with the coordinater of 7 mile ranch and chose to have it on the Veranda which is really pretty. I have started picking up little things for the room like picture frames and some of the matching pieces of his bedding. Brandon and I are going tonight to register and hopefully find a crib set. I also picked up some letters to spell out HIS NAME for the wall.... YES we finally agreed on a name. We came up with it together and both agreed that we really really liked it. It was such an accomplishment and a milestone was reached deciding on this baby's name but thankfully it is all done with and we get giddy about everytime we call him that now because it sounds so real.... oh the name.....CASSEN JOE, and we will call him CASE. (sounds like suit case)

As for Case..... he is squirming around like a fish in a fish bowl. Somedays are way more active than others, but he can always tell when it is the weekend because on Friday for the past 3 weeks he wakes me up and plays all day and finally around 12 at night he settles down. Saturdays are just the same. But come Monday he is just like his Mother, doesnt want to move a muscle. He is precious, I know he is going to be super active. Chevy has already acknowledged that something fishy is going on and I think she is a little on edge. I hope she reacts well to him without any jealousy issues.

Everything is going well. Just sailing right along. I will try to update more often. Thanks everyone :)