Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 18, 2009


so...I have been slowly gathering a few things for Case's room and himself. Seeing as we are just now officially starting the house building process this week, we have a lot to do before he has "his own" room!!! But that is ok because that means more help while I am still at home :) He has been set on clothes for awhile now Photobucket and even though we have no bed to put it on, he has his bedding. I registered this weekend at Babies R Us and you can also go online at JCPENNY because I registered for the rest of his bedding stuff. The registering was quite an experience. I thought Brandon would like to participate, and I ended up having to go back and UNDO some things I knew I didnt register for. He was put in charge of the "clicker" not a good idea. But he was fun!! I bought some picture frames that match his room and I bought his letters that I need to paint to hang up...Im super excited about that part! Photobucket My mother and I are making the invitations which is a beating in itself, but they are pretty cute for our non artistic selves.
The new baby bump pics are up so everyone can stop yelling at me now. :)

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