Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

He's as stubborn as his daddy!!!!

So much has happened in the past two weeks!

Last week's check up went the exact same as the previos.. still 70 percent 1/2 centimeter dialated. On Sunday night Brandon and I made the quick trip to his parents house and returned home to start clearing out Case's room for furniture due on Monday. I started have contractions during this time and they were very consistent, happening every six minutes. I was in no rush to go to the hospital so Brandon and I counted contractions for four straight hours happening every six minutes. Finally at 11:00 they started in at around 4 minute intervals, so we headed to the hospital. They kept me on monitors until 3Oclock that morning and even though my contractions had become more painful, happening between 2 and 3 minutes, THEY SENT ME HOME....i was furious. What other signs do you need???? Well I had not dialated any AT ALL. So we went home where I still continued to have contractions until 10:00 oClock the next morning. I have lost my "plug" and went back for another check up to make sure everything was ok. I am now at a whopping 1 and half centimeters still nothing else has changed. They stripped my membranes yesterday which is kind of like a procedure to "soften" the spot to set contractions consistently and have more of a chance for my water to break. So that's been 16 hours ago and no signs yet other than painful cramps every 20 minutes!!!

Brandon and my mother both say I have no control because everytime I see know progress, I just cry. My father says he hopes I hurry because he is in pain for me. Brandons mom says all signs point to Thursday: full moon, and my doctor is on call, and something else. But I doubt it..
Oh the biggest info is that the doc says Case is so big she thinks we need to induce so on Monday the 24th if Case has not arrived too bad we are taking him out to meet his family... I will be admitted on Monday around 4:30pm and will go from there :) But pray he comes earlier, I know in my heart he is ready he is just being stubborn like everyone else in his family!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Weekly Update: 8/7/09 awaiting Case's arrival...

I had my weekly doctor appointment on Wednesday of this week. I was 70% effaced (sp.) and 1/2 centimeter dialted. My belly is dropping and I sware I pee an average of 20 times a day. The back pain has not subsided nor has the swelling. Even my doctor suggested support hose during my busy days at work because my blood pressure had increase from the swelling. I doubt I do because I already gripe too much from the heat. My term starts tomorrow so I am free to have Case from now until 3 weeks from tomorrow. I am betting on August 15, 2009. OThers have taken bets too.. one girl bet today and I am praying not quite yet, while Brandon's aunt says she thinks I still have three weeks. I am praying that doesnt happen either I am extremely miserable and ready for little booger to be out!!!!!!!!!

My shower this weekend went well. A lot of people came and I thank everyone for coming. I got so many gifts and lots of useful things. As for my mama who couldnt make it, she is doing better now. Still coughing some, but doesnt seem to be running fever. She is planning to come help me this weekend put all Case's goodies away so she can see everything.

I have already washed all his blankets, towels, ect and put them away. The swing is put up and sits next to our couch in the living room. The pack n play is ready, all the bottles are washed. Our house is becoming BABY ready and it is getting a little crazy. :) ANd our baby furniture should be in my next weekend. I hope!!!! Kara was going to come take our maternity pictures but I keep having to reschedule. I am hoping I can get her to come this weekend unless something else comes up (SORRY KARA .) I have all the pictures to put uo, i will try to get them up soon!