Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The many faces of Caser!

Every time I go to take a picture of him, he shows a new expression. He is like one of those flip books. He is now 2 months old as of yesterday and we go to the doctor on Monday for his 8 week shots :( and his weigh in. Im guessing around 13 pounds..heafty heafty. I started back to work on Monday October 12th and Case has not adjusted well. He used to could sleep from 10 to 6 without ever waking up but when I started back to work he now only sleeps every two hours. Im sure he misses his Mom being with him 24/7 and I miss him just as much. I have a desk full of pictures but its still not the same. Still have not convinced Brandon to let me quit work.
Case is one of the lucky kids though because instead of daycare he gets to spend the day with his Grandmama, Brandon's g-ma.

Case is now talking alot.. im thinking its only a matter of time before "i love you mama" comes from that sweet baby. He loves to lay on his tummy and he can only sweep in his swing. He doesnt want the movement to stop. He now has got used to Johnson and Johnson's night music and I have to constantly hit repeat or he will fuss. Also, if he doesn't have a little sugar on his passy at night, he cries until he gets it. Rotten, I know. But anything to get him to fall asleep at 3am!


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