Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 2, 2009

Doctor visit 2/24/09

I finally had my second doctor visit on tuesday the 24th. Everything went well. They took too much blood but I survived. For the first time, I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was a miracle. It's amazing to know that something is growing inside of you. My mother went with me to this doctor visit. I told Brandon they were only doing blood work so he didnt have to go and when I found out we were listening to the heartbeat and told him, he was disapointed. The heartbeat was right at 160 bmp, which is high and as the old wives tell goes, it sounds like a girl. As much as I talk about wanting a girl, I think Brandon deep down wants another girl in his life too. :) It really doesn't matter to either of us though we just like to butt heads about being right.

Brandon's parents have decided to treat me to a storkvision session to find out what the sex of the baby is on March 21st. My parents will be joining along with his family as we await inpatiently to see this baby. I have already broke down and bought the sweetest little outfit, my mother is starting to stock up on diapers, and Brandon's mother and aunt have taken over Target's baby clothes section. So everyone, "Save your receipts."

We have also decided on a girl's name. The boys name however is a harder since we cannot agree. I have my favorites and he has his and the boy name will be the death of us yet. So pray for Paisley Elaine.

Ok, I don't know how this happened it was pretty much amazing and weird at the same time. I have had a tiny pudge for the past month now, nothing serious and all my pants were still being buttoned. Friday I get up and go about getting ready for my clinicals (which are going great) and finally at 5 o'clock I go home. Im changing clothes to leave for a dinner date and OH MY GOODNESS, there it is... a baby bump..a huge baby bump. My mom comes in and kind of giggles so I know she sees it. I go to Brandon and he gasps. This thing is huge. Its hysterical that it grew overnight!!!! I cant wait for everyone to see it. Its just too funny that it happened soo fast.

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.Author Unknown