Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3/1/09 just to catch up

This week has been great for us! It finally feels like things are slowly coming back together! I have my fingers crossed but do not want to get excited too quickly. Only a few more weeks until we find out what the baby is and I am extremely anxious.

Everyone who has kept us in your prayers thank you. Brandon has been working for his grandpa's company for the last two months and earlier this week received the call to welcome him to Motor Trike as part of the assembly line crew. He is very excited. He has also decided to put his project show truck for sale to help us find a home to buy, and we have found a few to look at within this next week. So wish us luck!!!!!!!! I finish up my clinicals on Friday and hopefully will get the job as a Medical Assistant at the Digestive Health Center in Tyler. I have been praying constantly that everything will work out so we can begin our life together for this baby.

Yesterday, I had the day off and decided to do a little shopping since my clothes no longer fit. I went more crazy on clothes for the baby than I did for myself. But dont worry, I kept my receipt. You should see the stack of clothes, it keeps getting bigger. WOw, if its a boy, I promise I wont be upset, he'll just have to wear all these cute little dresses. :) And as for everyone who wants to see the baby bump...its posted.

My morning sickness has finally subsided without the medicine. I entered my second trimester this week and its is scary and exciting to know that I only have 5 and a half more months to go.
I will continue to keep you all posted.

P.S. Go look at my adorable new cousin miss Charlee Addison at She is the sweetest thing and the love of our lives. I cant wait for her to meet her new playmate.

Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.Kate Douglas Wiggin


  1. hmmm, maybe there's two in there! :o) can hardly wait to see you! glad you're feeling better! love ya, ap

  2. yay for a baby bump! Paisley Elaine is going to be precious ;)
