Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mr. Howell

Ok, this is pretty funny. I was on a website the other day and decided to create a picture of what the baby would look before it arrived. It's simple really, take a picture of Brandon and a picture of me upload them, and click transform and wal-la, a baby that might look both of you. So I wanted to share..... this is funny, can you see any resemblance. I can't.



  1. I can't see it but its going to be hilarious when he really looks like this! you better keep this picture :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. no, i don't see a resemblance to you. hope to meet brandon soon before i draw my final conclusion! your friend, jeanie lynn, is right, though, be sure to save the pic!

  4. haha this is cute. he looks like that kid off of 2 and a half men.. haha!
