Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 22, 2009

IT'S A..........


Yesterday, March the 21st, was my appointment at Storkvision to confirm the sex of the little one. My parents, along with Meme and Dan, and Brandon's aunt and mom and little cousin Clyde (nicknames for Carter) joined in. We were all making bets before we even got to the place, and even though I continuosly told myself and everyone else, it was a girl, deep down, I knew the little booger was a boy, but I still had hopes. So we all went in and sat around the big TV as the lady began my ultrasound. She immediately announced the heartbeat was 171 bpm. I was like 171 oh yea it's a girl because that's one high heartbeat. I could already see the worry in Brandon's eyes and the plot to attack all the boys in the world to stay away from his daughter. I sware it wasnt two minutes after she told us the heartbeat, she stopped the monitor and pointed to the middle of the screen and said....."Oh, well.... and the word's "ITS A BOY" came across the screen. Ok, imagine this 12x12 room with 10 or so people in it, pitch black minus the tv color, and I sware the room lit up with light, it was Brandon's smile. He was so excited, and I was so thankful it was all there in tact. hehehe. My mother and his mother already knew we were going to have to take back all our cute girlie stuff. Photobucket

He was so beautiful. His spine was perfectly formed, His heartbeat was there and normal, his feet were as big as mine and there in the middle of his legs as Clyde would put it were his little "mcnuggets," all ten toes, and while one beautiful hand waved to his family, the other was fisted up in his mouth. Yeap, the little booger was already sucking his thumb. It was the most amazing thing to see and it filled my heart with love. I don't know if I can wait five more months to see him but it gives me some time to shop.

Still no names have been decided on yet, but we will get there eventually. Thanks everyone for keeping up. We'll keep you posted.


Brandon is still going strong at Motor Trike. I guess they rely on him so much because he comes home filthy dirty and exhausted. But we arent complaining.

I finished up my clinicals at the Digestive Health Specialists and the Lord is good, because they immediately asked me to join their team as a Medical Assistant. I love it. Working with patients is so fun and helpful and amusing all at once.

Still in nightclass. Will apply for the Radiology Tech job in April. Won't know anything til the latter part of the summer. Pray for me.

Brandon and I have decided to build our own home as soon as we find a reliable builder. We know we have to be done by August, and the stress of building a house is extremely overwhelming, but in the long run, it will be worth it. He already has his own land it Troup, so this is where the house will be. Im staying out of it now as much as possible, no more stress on me or the baby right now.!!!!!!


  1. So happy for you! I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I just couldn't wait so as soon as church was over, I had to go shopping! Will get things to you soon. Love, hugs & kisses, ap

  2. soo excited!! cant wait to meet my nephew!!
