Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Playing Outside

Sometimes Case gets fussy for no reason..DUH..... and alot of times nothing works but I have realized he does enjoy walking around outside... a change of scenery and a little warmer. Today was a beautiful day so I decided to take him for a stroll. Afterward, we laid down a blanket in the front yard shade and put him on his bobby pillow. We staye outside for about an hour without him fussing once. He loved all the noises and the warmer weather.
okay mom enough more and i'll make a mean face...
Photobucket hehe i just had to!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Nighty Night

Casen loves his bath time, he loves the warm water and loves to lick on the wet wash cloth.... he hates the cold after we get out but loves the warm towel afterward. The weather has changed and feels wonderful outside but Case is a little edgy toward it and we always keep it cool in the house, so we decided to put a warm onesie on him after his bathtime and he LOVED it. he thought he was a big boy in his new big boy outfit...he looked liked a little jail bird though but he was still adorable.... he is already outgrowing newborns... we weighed him today and he was right at nine pounds.


We love to visit

A few weeks after baby Case was born, my parents, Case, and I made a trip down to Henderson. We stopped by to visit my grandma but Case and I stayed in the car. He is to young right now to be exposed to some of the germs in the nursing home and even though my grandma isn't at her best right now, I would still love and hope for her to meet Case soon. Then we made a trip to meet Bill and Betty, good family friends, I would call them one set of my grandparents :) They enjoyed meeting little man and we enjoyed catching up with them. We love you guys....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

more pics...


visit to Nanny's

most of you know my nanny or have at least heard of her. she was my babysitter when i was growing up... pretty much everyday my parents would drop me off on their way to work and i would spend the day with her.. from 6 weeks old until i was about 10 years old i would go their everyday. i remember breakfast that consisted of biscuits and syrup and butter from pappy and then nanny would make me mac and cheese and a soda pop when i would get off the bus from school. in 2001 my pappy passed away and unfortunately fell out of touch with my nanny. well today Case and I decided it would be nice to make a trip out to see her.. she loved it and we enjoyed it just as much. we promised to make it a frequent trip and she said good because she couldnt wait to hold on to my little casen joe again....i was glad to see her..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the pictures....

ok i have been a huge slacker i know so here's a summarized post of most recent happenings and then i will continue to update continuously so everyone can see...

On Saturday August: 22nd i began having major pains in my stomach. The pain came and went continuously throughout the day. I called Brandon home from his manly project at mikeys house and told him we had to go to the hospital now! the contractions were around 4 minutes apart and heavy. We came, we saw, we left. At only two centimeters dialted, I was not moving at a fast enough rate to keep me there. I was irate, in pain, and knew it would only be hours before I was back. They gave me some pain medicine but at eleven o'clock that night i was in too much pain for any drugs. I spent hours in the bath tub crying until at 7:30 that morning i woke brandon up to take me back. I was supposed to be induced on the following day so i was hoping they would just go ahead and spare me 24 hours. After i got settled in to my room, the nurse came in and notified me I was 5 centimeters dialated and ready for my epidural whenever i was.. before the contractions started i was determined to have a natural labor.hahahahaha i praise the people who have a natural birth!!!!! Anway at 10:30 i had the 6:48, after two hours of pushing, My beautiful baby boy entered this world....7 pounds 4 ounces 21 inches long.
Photobucket the outfit warn was what brandon wore coming home from the hospital when he was young....

Here are a few shower pics of my wonderful shower....thank you everyone for all the wonderful a little late on my Thank You's but expect one soon :) look how long its taken me to update this thing....






ALONG time ago well back in july, brandon and i got a house :) we still love it..heres a pic

The crib...once we get the curtains hung, his bedroom will be ready and ill post pics..
