Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 24, 2009

visit to Nanny's

most of you know my nanny or have at least heard of her. she was my babysitter when i was growing up... pretty much everyday my parents would drop me off on their way to work and i would spend the day with her.. from 6 weeks old until i was about 10 years old i would go their everyday. i remember breakfast that consisted of biscuits and syrup and butter from pappy and then nanny would make me mac and cheese and a soda pop when i would get off the bus from school. in 2001 my pappy passed away and unfortunately fell out of touch with my nanny. well today Case and I decided it would be nice to make a trip out to see her.. she loved it and we enjoyed it just as much. we promised to make it a frequent trip and she said good because she couldnt wait to hold on to my little casen joe again....i was glad to see her..

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