Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the pictures....

ok i have been a huge slacker i know so here's a summarized post of most recent happenings and then i will continue to update continuously so everyone can see...

On Saturday August: 22nd i began having major pains in my stomach. The pain came and went continuously throughout the day. I called Brandon home from his manly project at mikeys house and told him we had to go to the hospital now! the contractions were around 4 minutes apart and heavy. We came, we saw, we left. At only two centimeters dialted, I was not moving at a fast enough rate to keep me there. I was irate, in pain, and knew it would only be hours before I was back. They gave me some pain medicine but at eleven o'clock that night i was in too much pain for any drugs. I spent hours in the bath tub crying until at 7:30 that morning i woke brandon up to take me back. I was supposed to be induced on the following day so i was hoping they would just go ahead and spare me 24 hours. After i got settled in to my room, the nurse came in and notified me I was 5 centimeters dialated and ready for my epidural whenever i was.. before the contractions started i was determined to have a natural labor.hahahahaha i praise the people who have a natural birth!!!!! Anway at 10:30 i had the 6:48, after two hours of pushing, My beautiful baby boy entered this world....7 pounds 4 ounces 21 inches long.
Photobucket the outfit warn was what brandon wore coming home from the hospital when he was young....

Here are a few shower pics of my wonderful shower....thank you everyone for all the wonderful a little late on my Thank You's but expect one soon :) look how long its taken me to update this thing....






ALONG time ago well back in july, brandon and i got a house :) we still love it..heres a pic

The crib...once we get the curtains hung, his bedroom will be ready and ill post pics..


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